We were waiting for our table when Ben Stiller and his wife,Christine Taylor (loved her in the brady bunch movies) came in. We were the only 4 people in the lobby area and he said hello to both of us and we said hello back. I turned to my date with my back to Ben and mouthed WHAT THE FUCK! and then we stood in silence. My date and I were dressed great and both looked very nice. Then Ben asked me if we were there for skiing or what and how the snow had been. I have met a fair amount of celebrities but have never been that star struck. I think I acted like it was no big deal but deep down I just wanted to say, "I have watched Royal Tenembaums and Zoolander at least 200 times. I love you. I even love your bad movies, and the Ben Stiller show in 1992, and the janitor you played in Happy Gilmore!" I refrained. We discussed the excellent ski conditions, he asked where we were from, my date explained she is from the south and that she lived here for before moving to New York and was just there visiting. She also mentioned that I was a local born and raised. Ben then asked me, What was that like? are you kidding me! Ben asks what it was like growing up in a ski town! I replied, telling him how amazing it was to grow up skiing as soon as I could walk, and driving snowmobiles to get to school. He laughed at that and agreed that it must have been "the life". The whole time we were talking we never acknowledged his celebrity or anything and he and his wife were very funny and nice.
Christmas was great I was a bit spoiled. It was emotional not having my dad at my mom's party and emotional not having my mom at my dad's party. I found my sister ducking into the bathroom to cry. I went to mid-night mass alone and the parents' of an old friend of mine saw me and gave huge hugs. Their son, my friend, killed himself in October after returning from his second tour of duty in Bagdhad. It was great to see his parents, I hadn't seen them since the wake. When the choir sang the lords prayer I got choked up and started to cry. One particular part just rang the holiday season true in my heart. "forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us" that is what christmas is for me. plain and simple!
I am sorry it took me so long to update--
I am going to Las Vegas to play in some tournaments and celebrate the New Year!!! I'm sure I'll post more when I get back!!

Very cool story indeed. Ben Stiller!? Gotta say, one of the funniest people of all time. I don't understand why so many people find him annoying. His humor cracks me up.
Anyways, you're story reminded me of the time a couple years ago when I got on a plane with Kid Rock (I live in a Detroit suburb and it was a juncket to Chicago) and actually chatted with him. Totally starstruck indeed.
That is sweet. I met Kid Rock and Pamela Anderson in St. Tropez, France in THE VIP ROOM. (not the actual v.i.p room, that is the name of the club.) they were so hammered though I saw them pay at least 10,000 euro's for lap dances. You could tell the French were very annoyed with his behavior. I thought it was HILARIOUS!
THAT is sweet. I have never been to St. Tropez. Monaco and Cannes, yes, but not there. Have you been to Italy by any chance? That is by far my favorite EU country. I just had to do a pilgrimmage to the Maranello, where they build Ferraris. It was on my list of things to do before I die. But all of Italy was, well, let's just say I'm gonna live there one day after I raise my brats, er, I mean, lovely boys.
I spent two weeks in different parts of Italy. I absolutely loved it. I never went to Milano or Tuscana but Roma I loved and the smaller coastal towns puerto de chuervo...I think?? it was like an entire town for super models. I would love to live there. the way the Italian women walk and talk and cast devious stares...I love the whole attitude there. I'd move there tomorrow if I had the chance. If I could afford it though I would live in London. If I could get dual citizenship I would live in Sweden.
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