I am at work today. My part time job at the local skate and snowboard shop. It is good times and I am greatful to have it. Rent is due next week and I knew I was coming up short. Last night I was invited to a Texas Hold Em cash game. I showed up knowing that I rarely lose, I bought in for 20 bucks and cashed out at 3 a.m. with 200. that made up the difference in rent, I paid it this morning, 9 days early I might add. Now I am at work making a little extra money which will all go to pay check loans and credit cards of which I have overextended myself. Is this a mistake every one makes once or twice? Because I have struggled with money since I was 18, understandably when I was drinking and using but even in sobriety I have never got it together. I am a hell of poker player, no lie. I can't count on that to get by though, it is time I find full time work. A big boy job, if you will. I want to have a job where I go, my check goes into my bank, I have a budget, every two weeks it is split into the essentials. Rent, food, bills, gas, 10% for luxury fun items. Any left over pays down my debt. I know living one day at a time is what we're taught tot do in sobriety but I have been taking it to the extreme. Living moment to moment. Buying, spending on impulse. I think I am ready to turn to a new phase in my sobriety. We'll cal it living within our means.
As far as the job search goes. . . more promising leads, nothing to count on. My horiscope said, "Stop stressing about this situation. You've done all you can do. Sit back, let it take care of itself now."
Sounds good to me.
Hey there, just wandering through the fog of sober blogs and I found ya.
I hope you keep up the writing and stop by sometime. It's always nice to meet other young sober-y people. I'll keep ya on my blogroll.
Also, I love poker, too. It took me a long time to really get back to playing after I got sober, but the game is one of the my true loves in this life, it's in my blood.
Yeah I actually was going to stop writing because I thought for sure no one was reading. (hows that for alcoholic thinking)thanks you just inspired me to keep at it. I'll definitely stop by your blog!
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